This blog was original gonna be just about Homeschooling, to help hold myself accountable for what we do everyday. But then as I got to playing around with it I realized all the endless possibilities that were available. So this blog will no longer be just about homeschooling. Instead it will be about us and what we have learned as people and as a family over the years and the years to come. I will soon have our school projects up both past and present. Ideas that I hope will get you out of the box on homeschooling. I hope to show you and hopefully help you with some house hold projects; some wthat are quite large. Field trips, free stuff, fixer-uppers, ideas, rants, bible questions and studies. I hope to have a blog that will be packed full of information by the time I am done with it. So bare with me as I am under construction.

So about us. Starting with Momma. I am a creative, hard working momma of 4 God given kids that I could not live without. I all to often follow the little white rabbit where ever he may go. So, be warned. I try hard to stay on task and schedule but most of the time I fail. I love arts and crafts as well as making something from nothing. So does Hubby and he's good at it. You will soon see how deep that rabbit trail goes. I love to work hard. Hubby and I often disagree with that... why work harder if you can work smarter... well I would agree but if you don't have what you need to work smarter then time to break out the shovel and get a little dirty.
No pun intended Hubby... I love you!! Besides there are a million and one quotes in the Bible that says working hard is a good thing... Proverbs 13:4 "Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper." God blesses the works of your hands. Anyway, that's enough about me, here are my kids and my whole world....
This is Lil Momma, my angel and my saving Grace... besides Jesus. This was my gift from God; He gave me her to straighten me up. She is the most giving and heartfelt child I have ever met and yes I am biased. She plans to be a missionary when she grows up. She is constantly wanting to give to her children's' ministry. She is a blessing to this world and can light up a room.

This is my Stud Muffin... He is such a cuttie, like he's Daddy. He likes army dudes, cars and spider-man. He is smart, funny and has the cutest little dimples. He hates chores doesn't want to do school work and loves to irritate his sister. The typical boy with beautiful eyes and cute dimples who stole my heart the day he was born. His working career changes by the day... depending on his mood..... lol.

This little beauty is Marylin Monroe born again.. (M&Ms for the purpose of this blog) or at least that's what she thinks. She is gorgeous and she knows it. Rock star, actor, dancer, singer... she's got it all... but you better believe we are claiming in the name of Jesus that she will sing, dance and perform all for God's glory and no one else. Do you have one who is so adorable that you can't get mad at him/her? Yep, I'm in trouble, she is my handful, the one that will make me pull my hair out. But I wouldn't trade one curl on her head for a peaceful nights sleep when she because a teen. Might give her some of mine... as I pull it out....

Anyway, last but not least. Is my second chance (a.k.a. Cutie Pie). I had hit a downward spiral after Marylin Monroe was born, took the pregnancy real hard and when I had pulled myself out of it, I felt really stupid and immature for acting the way I had acted. So, God being the God of second chances (and sometimes a lot more chances then that) he blessed me with another. I got a second chance... so I didn't have to end on such a nasty note. She is just as beautiful as the others, with a smile that can light up the room. I am very thankful for the chance to try again, to be a mom again and to watch another baby grow up. She is walking now and she wont let me rock her to sleep any more... it's so sad how time flies.