Saturday, July 2, 2011

The 12 Days of Homeschooling

I was browsing my favorite blogs and ran across this video on R Homeschool Hale
So I thought I would share it... it put a smile on my face.  My kids have never been tested in public but these questions are asked until I am tired of answering them.  The one that gets me the most is when I am in Wal-Mart doing our grocery shopping and someone will look at me and say, "Are all these kids yours".... and I just want to say, "Nope there is a special on aisle 6, you should go check it out".  I only have 4 kids its not like I am dragging around 20 raged children.  100 years ago it wasn't nothing for a family to have 8 kids, now it's crazy to have more then 2.  

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.....