What are your prayers like? Are they loud and tearful are they quiet and peaceful?
Everybody prays different. Is there a right way? A wrong way?
Do you have to scream? Do you have to cry?
Do you have to recite certain words in a specific order?
I would have to think, that if our God could create so many different colors- from the sunrise to the sunset,
from the stars in the sky to the flowers in the ground - then there would be just as many ways to pray
Our prayers are like our fingerprints, no two people have the same one. There are similarities, things that two fingerprints have in common, like the simple loops, the double loops, the arches, and the ridges but each person's fingerprints are different in one way or the other.
I also have to say that as we mature in our walk with Christ and become closer or father away that our current prayer style will change along with us.
Please understand what I am about to say is not attended to hurt anyone's feelings, my only desire is to show were I am at in my walk and how my life's experiences effects that. How I see I need to change and what has already changed. Ok, now we can continue with our regular programming.
I see the people at church, in our married couples class, the t.v. evangelists, the way families pray around the dinner table and all I see is a bunch of show-boaty words.
Matt 6:7 "When you pray, don't babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered by merely repeating their words again and again. Don't be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!"
I don't even consider myself to be praying as much as I am just talking to Him. I'll be sitting in my room or standing in the kitchen washing dishes, some concern will pop up and I will give it to him. Simple, sweat, to the point but this is just my character, wither right or wrong... this is who I am and what my history has programmed me to do. My prayers are quiet and so are my thank yous. I like to have the faith (not that everybody else doesn't) that God knows my needs even before I ask for them. I like to try and open my heart for Him to see the depths of it rather then try to speak with words what I feel. I would flunk it up and it would turn into a babbling mess. This is just me and where I am at right now. I have since realized that words are extremely powerful, if they weren't why would they hurt so bad... so I should say for positive influence. I have yet to make a post about that but it is soon to come. Here is a post about some of my quiet, to the point prayers that were answered.
So, were is your prayer life... wither it's like mine or not... feel free to share your growth or weakness, things you have learned or things you are working on...
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